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COVID-19: Einschränkung des FBA-Services

Am Nachmittag des 17. März 2020 hat Amazon EU die unten erwähnten Informationen an alle seine Verkäufer im FBA- (Fulfillment By Amazon) und Vendor-Programm, die auf dem EU-Markt tätig sind. 

Amazon Seller

Damals wurden die Lieferungen zu allen Amazon-FBA-Zentren bis zum 5. April zurückgehalten. Zu den Ausnahmen haben die Unternehmen gezählt, die medizinische Produkte, Lebensmittel, Reinigungsmittel usw. geliefert haben.

Im System wurde die Möglichkeit vom FBA-Versand und das Erstellen von Lieferdokumenten. Die Verschärfungen betreffen alle EU-Märkte (DE, UK, FR, IT i ES) und der Versand der Waren, die Waren zu Lagern in Polen und Tschechen war auch nicht möglich.

Die Bestellungen, die schon gesendet wurden, werden im Lagern eingelagert. Die Rückgaben sind möglich, aber mit einer Verspätung.  

Amazon Vendor

Die Amazon Vendoren (die, die ihre Produkte an Amazon verkaufen), haben auch eine Nachricht von der Einschränkungen der Bestellunganzahl bis zum 5. April bekommen.

Im Folgenden werden die Kopien von den beiden Nachrichten veröffentlicht.

Die Nachricht für FBA-Seller

Dear Seller,

We are closely monitoring the developments of COVID-19 and its impact on our customers, selling partners and employees.

We are seeing increased online shopping, and as a result some products such as household staples and medical supplies are out of stock. With this in mind, we are temporarily prioritising household staples, medical supplies and other high-demand products coming into our fulfilment centres so that we can more quickly receive, restock and deliver these products to customers.

For products other than these, we have temporarily disabled shipment creation. We are taking a similar approach with retail vendors.

This will be in effect today through April 5, 2020, and we will let you know once we resume regular operations. Shipments created before today will be received at fulfilment centres.

You can learn more about this on this Help page (einloggen erforderlich). Please note that Selling Partner Support does not have further guidance.

We understand this is a change to your business, and we did not take this decision lightly.

We appreciate your understanding as we prioritise the above products for our customers.

Thank you for your patience, and for participating in FBA.

The Fulfilment by Amazon team

Die Nachricht für VENDOREN

Hello from Amazon,

We are closely monitoring the developments of COVID-19 and its impact on our customers, selling partners, and employees.

We are seeing increased online shopping, and as a result products such as household staples and medical supplies are out of stock. With this in mind, we are temporarily prioritising household staples, medical supplies, and other high demand products coming into our fulfilment centres so that we can more quickly receive, restock and deliver these products to customers.

Beginning today you will see:

  • Reduced Purchase Orders:We have temporarily paused ordering for products that are not household staples, medical supplies, or other high demand products.
  • Extended delivery windows for existing purchase orders:We have extended the shipment/delivery windows for some existing purchase orders to give you more time to fulfil the order. Please ship your products toward the end of the extended window.

This will be in effect today through April 5, 2020, and we will let you know once we resume regular operations.

We understand this is a change to your business, and we did not take this decision lightly.

We appreciate your understanding as we prioritise the above products for our customers.

Thank you for your patience,




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