/ Case Study / Case Study – Distributor from the beginning

Case StudyDistributor

Running sales from the beginning


With experience
in e-commerce

FBM model

Active account

Increasing sales
on Amazon

Customer profile

4Instalator is a distributor of home systems, tools, and installations, including:

  • heat pumps,
  • solar, gas, water installations,
  • heating systems,
  • boilers and furnaces.

The client also sells a small number of products under its own brand. The company had experience in e-commerce before it started working with Go2Market. Among other things, they run the online store 4instalator.pl and sell through Allegro and Amazon. On Amazon the company uses the FBM model. We started selling after taking over an active account in March 2022.

  • We created new product listings,
  • optimised account settings
  • and planned marketing campaigns.
In March 2022, the first month of cooperation with Go2Market, sales amounted to 38393 euros, and after the first quarter they amounted to 55330 euros.

Sales growth in the first quarter of the cooperation

The challenge

We had many intense hours of work ahead of us. The tools and home installation industry is highly competitive, so it was important to plan optimal marketing activities that would be effective but not break the client's budget. Most importantly, we needed to create new textual content that would help with organic positioning. The product base on Amazon was quite large, so the work was planned in advance to add more products as part of the seller account optimization and to gradually increase sales.

The action strategy included the following steps:

  • Account audit
  • Preparation of new textual content
  • Adapting customer photos to the requirements of the Amazon platform
  • Planning the advertising budget and launching campaigns for selected products

Account Audit

An audit of the seller's account before the start of the cooperation is a crucial element that determines a good start. In the case of our distributor client, in addition to the standard procedures carried out at this stage of the service, it was also necessary to unblock foreign brands that were to be added to the company's range. Restrictions may apply to the entire brand or to selected products within that brand. Some products do not require approval. On behalf of 4Instalator, we needed to request the ability to sell a selected range. We quickly received the necessary approvals and were able to start selling these products.

Preparing the text content

The first important element of the collaboration was to create a list of new products to be launched on Amazon. The copywriting department then researched the competition and keywords to create titles and copy for each listing. Ready-made keyword-rich descriptions for product pages were created based on information provided by the client.

Adapting customer photos to the requirements of the Amazon

The platform has specific requirements for the quality and size of product images. Therefore, the Graphics Department has assessed whether the photos provided need to be improved or new photos taken.

Planning the advertising budget and launching campaigns for selected products

After preparing the product range and launching sales, the next important step was to launch campaigns that would produce satisfactory results in a short time. We planned campaigns for private label and distribution products. The largest budget was allocated to the first of these groups, but the second also produced very good results. On selected listings of foreign brands, 4Instalator had the BuyBox, so the function of the campaign was to maintain it, improve its position in search results and increase sales. In April, the TACOS indicator reached 5.7%.

The results

Thanks to good planning and careful preparation of the offer, we achieved a large increase in sales in a very short time, with low marketing campaign costs. After 1 month of cooperation, the increase was 23%. We also saw an upward trend in the following months.

Sales growth on German market of Amazon in the period 03-11.2022

Thanks to the cooperation with Go2Market, the company 4Instalator was able to:

  • Prepare high quality listings on German market
  • Add product descriptions with titles and texts tailored to the requirements of the platform,
  • Promote products under their own brand and foreign brands, and gain Buy Box,
  • Regularly develop sales,
  • Maintain a high quality sales account,
  • Monitor the profitability of marketing campaigns.

Already in the first month of cooperation, the company achieved high sales, which we maintained consistently in the following period.

+ %

After 1 month in the installation industry

< %

After 2 quarters of cooperation

Do you need support in sales

We will talk about your needs, problems, and plans related to sales on Amazon. We will determine if we can help you.

during the conversation:

  • We will ask a few questions to learn more about your company and products,

  • We will answer your questions,

  • Together we will determine the possible next step.

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