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Additional Restrictions on Amazon – Which Products are Affected?

In today’s e-commerce world, selling on Amazon involves adhering to a range of regulations and requirements designed to ensure the safety and quality of the products offered. Below is a detailed overview of the products subject to additional restrictions on Amazon and the steps that need to be taken to meet these requirements.

REACH-regulated products

The REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) is a key regulator of chemical sales in the EU, focusing on the safe use of these substances. Products covered by this regulation, which may be deemed hazardous and require the HAZMAT process, include:

  • Chemical products: cleaning agents, construction chemicals
  • Certain cosmetics
  • Fertilizers
  • Biocidal products: e.g., mosquito sprays, ant sprays, spider sprays
  • Batteries

For HAZMAT-regulated products offered through the FBA model, it is necessary to provide a safety data sheet (SDS) or hazardous substance sheet. This document provides Amazon with information on whether the products can be offered on the platform, and in the case of FBA, how they should be transported and stored. Some products also require an expiration date, which is particularly important to ensure that the products shipped have a long shelf life.

Additional requirements apply to jewelry. Sellers must provide a REACH declaration from the manufacturer or test reports showing compliance with REACH limits for cadmium, nickel, and lead to gain approval for sale.

Products for children

Sellers must provide a CE declaration confirming the product’s compliance with EU guidelines. It is also necessary to provide physical images of the products or packaging, confirming that they are CE marked in accordance with the regulation. Additionally, the product listing should include information about the age group for which the product is intended.


WEEE registration (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) is necessary for sellers of electronics in Germany. Registration provides companies with a WEEE number, which is required for selling electrical equipment on Amazon. The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) implements the WEEE directive in Germany, requiring registration with the EAR Foundation. Every seller must provide the number in the Amazon dashboard, which is verified by the marketplace. It must be obtained for each brand and type of equipment offered.

WEEE equipment categories include:

  • Discharge lamps
  • Large and small photovoltaic panels
  • Large and small equipment
  • Screens
  • Small IT and telecommunications equipment
  • Temperature exchange devices.

Products with energy labels

For products that affect energy consumption, such as lighting, electronic displays, washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, and refrigerators, it is necessary to provide an energy label. This label indicates on a scale from A to G how much energy the device consumes. Information about the energy class must be included in the product information, and an information sheet in the language of the country of sale must be attached to the product. Additionally, registration in the EU product database EPLER is required.

Distributors of electronic products must ensure that their suppliers meet all the requirements in the relevant product category.


Selling on Amazon requires sellers to meet a range of stringent requirements and regulations to ensure the safety and quality of the products offered. It is crucial for success in the market and for building customer trust. 

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