/ News / Amazon in Poland already in 2020


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Amazon in Poland already in 2020

Yesterday, on February 18, media reports appeared confirming that Amazon will launch an ecommerce site in Poland. As a reminder, until now only Amazon FBA warehouses were located in Poland, which serviced mainly German customers. According to Gazeta Wyborcza and Business Insider, the Polish Post Office has passed Amazon’s quality tests and may become Amazon’s main carrier in Poland. In addition, it has been known for some time that InPost is also in talks with Amazon on the subject of servicing shipments through its network of parcel machines. If we add to this the fact that in recent weeks there have been additional Amazon trainings in Polish and intensified Vendor Managers’ accounts in recent months, we can come to a conclusion that Amazon is indeed preparing a full launch of sales on Amazon.pl and not, as so far, redirecting traffic to Amazon.de. The details are not known, but the most likely date is Q3 or Q4 2020. Amazon Poland 2020! Bravo You! Entrepreneurs, don’t wait for Q3 – act now to be ready for #AmazonPL2020



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