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See what's happening in the world of Amazon

FBA or FBM – Which Sales Model Suits You?

Selling on Amazon has become one of the most popular ways to grow an e-commerce business. However, before deciding to sell on this platform, you need to choose the logistics model that best suits your needs: FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) or FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant). Both models have their advantages and disadvantages, and their choice […]


Allegro vs Amazon. A clash in the Sokoh Valley.

The long-awaited news was made public last week – Amazon officially announced its entry into Poland as a sales platform. Amazon has been preparing to make this move for years, building its infrastructure in Poland, but it is not a strategic decision for the giant from the point of view of the overall business.  On […]


Do you need support in sales

We will talk about your needs, problems, and plans related to sales on Amazon. We will determine if we can help you.

during the conversation:

  • We will ask a few questions to learn more about your company and products,

  • We will answer your questions,

  • Together we will determine the possible next step.

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