/ How to create a converting product listing?


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How to create a converting product listing?

Customers make their decision to buy a particular product based on the information contained in the product listing. A properly created product page will allow you to stand out from your competitors and will have a positive impact on increasing conversions and sales itself. Creating a listing is the first and most important step when starting to sell on Amazon, so in this article we will advise you on how to do it correctly.

Product Listing – Attract the eye with the right graphics.

Graphics are an essential part of online shopping. Shoppers can’t feel your product and experience it in person, so it’s important to give them the best visuals possible.

The lead photo is the first thing a customer will see when browsing search results, and it is strictly defined by Amazon’s terms and conditions.

  • The product should be shown on a clean, white background
  • Graphic quality greater than 1000 pixels (height, width)
  • The product should take up more than 85% of the image area
  • The entire product is visible
  • No added props, text, images or labels

The remaining 6 graphics should clear customers’ doubts about the purchase, so choose images that show your product from different perspectives, highlight different components, show texture. Add also lifestyle images, showing it in use, not just static graphics. You can also create helpful infographics by adding information such as dimensions, features, awards or special features of your product.

Product title – key place.

When creating a title, you should give the buyer enough information to decide if your product is what they are looking for. The name should be a maximum of 200 characters, with an optimal suggested number of around 120 -150. According to the guidelines, it should be created with the following order in mind:



The most important thing in the name are relevant keywords that customers could use when searching and that will match your product to the right category and allow to be found. Include 3-4 high priority and high search volume keywords.

Remember to keep the name simple and easy to read, putting a lot of unrelated keywords in it will disrupt the customer’s perception of it. Make sure the title is descriptive and provides the most important product information.


Bullet points – short but clear.


When creating the 5 most important features of your product, you must focus solely on the benefits and uniqueness of the product. The key is to provide the customer with the right amount of information while including important keywords.

  • Point out what makes your product stand out from the competition
  • Each bullet point should be approximately 120 characters
  • Discuss the details of the product, answering any questions that buyers might have
  • Build trust with customers, such as providing a product return guarantee in case of dissatisfaction or after-sales support in case of product problems.
  • Use the 5 spaces available to describe your product. Each bullet point should relate to one of the product features.
  • Research customer needs based on other products similar to yours, and pay attention to product questions and feedback.


Product description – extra voice.

The product description is a place to give more detailed information about your product or brand. There are 2,000 characters allocated for use and you should obviously try to use as much of the allocated space as possible. Amazon also takes keywords from the product description into consideration, so it’s a good idea to add keywords with medium to low search volume here.

A+ content

If you own a registered brand, you have additional opportunities to provide information about your product in the form of A+ content.

This content is created in Seller Central under the Advertising tab. It is a builder that allows you to add graphics, visuals, a detailed description of the product features and a comparison with your other products. In addition to its informative function, the A+ content conveys the message that the seller owns the brand and has invested in creating an additional A+ content.


Last but not least. This is one of the most important elements of your listing. Of course, the price you offer to your buyers is entirely your decision, but you need to remember a few important elements when setting it:

  • Be marketable. Check what your competitors are charging for similar products.
  • Remember about Amazon’s costs. These you must include in your product price. In the FBM model, this is easy because you only incur the cost of Amazon’s commission on the sale. In the FBA model, you still have the cost of warehousing and shipping products to customers to add.
  • Take into account the cost of returns. Depending on the industry and category, this can vary, but it will virtually always be there so you need to remember to include it in the cost of the product.
  • Shipping costs. We suggest that you add them to the product price. This will give you more visibility to the products of customers who are only looking for products with free shipping.
  • Eye-friendly price. Try to round up your prices. Not necessarily to the whole, but to 5 or 10 cents/pence, although a new trend is the seven at the end of the price. Instead of 31.04 change your price to 30.95 or 30.97 or 31.45.

A well-created product listing contributes to more conversions because it shows the value of the product and helps buyers to understand the product specification well. Of course, a listing is alive and needs to be worked on constantly but the work at the beginning is the most important and that time will pay off in the future.

Do you have a good listing, or questions on how to improve your product listing? Become a member of the Go2market Community and ask a question or comment under this article.

Happy Listing Creation,

Go2Market Crew.




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