/ Sales support / Marketing support

See the step-by-step process of starting to sell onAmazon .

Go on the path to e-commerce success.
Find out about the stages of our partnership

Verification of Possibilities
Initially, we will jointly verify the possibilities of developing your business on Amazon. We help to understand, explain, and honestly verify the possibilities.

Preliminary conversation

Initial presentation of the offer and setting expectations

Market analysis

Assessment of the potential of the offer or
Analysis of sales results on an existing account

Proposal of cooperation

After signing the agreement, the first stage of specific actions will be preparation - setting up the account and the initial steps towards developing the offer.

Checking the seller account settings.

  • Verifying the correctness of the account settings.
  • Checking the product offer.
  • Checking the health of the account.
  • Checking the product campaigns.

Determining the scope of the offer to be introduced on Amazon with the customer’s advisor.

Assistance in completing necessary formalities: brand registration (Brand Registry), LUCID system, etc.

  • Assistance in unlocking markets/products.
  • Improving indicators for FBA shipments, account health indicators

At this point, we are starting to work directly on Amazon - we have gathered materials, we have a strategy, so let's get started.

At this moment, we are starting to work directly on Amazon – we have gathered materials, we have a strategy, so we can start.

We search for keywords using specialized tools, and based on that, we create the entire text for the product pages: title, 5 main features, and bottom description.

Preparing text for product pages:

  • Title,
  • 5 main features,
  • Bottom description,
  • Text for A+.

Planning the scope and budget of marketing campaigns.

Issuing offers.

This is the final, ultimate mode of cooperation - full account management. Once the sales are launched and orders are coming in, we work on further development.

Handling customer inquiries

  • Responding to messages from customers of Amazon
  • Providing information about returns
  • Explaining issues related to customer feedback and A-Z complaints

Monitoring competition and presenting opportunities for sales growth

  • Current competition analysis: prices, changes in listings,
  • Proposing improvements and opportunities for sales growth, e.g. in other markets, in a new model, etc.

Reacting to changes, updates, and new requirements related to sales

  • Ongoing adjustment of account and offers to requirements of Amazon
  • Advance notification of the need to send new documents, e.g. confirming registration for waste disposal fee

Developing content for additional products

  • Title,
  • 5 main features,
  • Bottom description,
  • Text for A+

Developing additional graphic materials

  • Photo editing,
  • Preparing infographics,
  • A+ content

Optimizing existing offers

  • Changing parameters that need improvement, e.g. shipping time,
  • Setting promotions,
  • Optimizing advertising campaigns.

Assistance in planning FBA shipments

  • Proposing the quantity of items to be shipped,
  • Advising on products that have a chance of high conversion,
  • Technical support.

Expert support for entering other markets

  • Advising on products that have a chance of high conversion,
  • Changing account settings,
  • Proposals regarding pricing strategy,
  • Technical support.

Unlocking accounts/markets/products

  • Explaining the reasons,
  • Communicating with Help Desk of Amazon,
  • Sending necessary documents to lift the block.

Our team

If you're thinking about starting selling effectively on Amazon, it's worth doing it with specialists. Get to know the Go2Market team - see who you can work with to develop your business. See specific specialists who will help you grow!

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Do you need support in sales

We will talk about your needs, problems, and plans related to sales on Amazon. We will determine if we can help you.

during the conversation:

  • We will ask a few questions to learn more about your company and products,

  • We will answer your questions,

  • Together we will determine the possible next step.

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